Sunday, August 26, 2012


I remain ‘unadapted’
It’s my choice
I am no way to update myself
To learn your way of killing people
I am no way to update myself
To know the tricks of being a fat beggar

You, the fascist beast
Tried to amputate my mind
Tried to say my thoughts are the product of junk ideas
Tried to prove that I am almost dead
So I must glorify myself through your worship

But I hate, worshipping any one
Except my ideas of being a free mind
And in that process
If I start killing you, no problem
If I start gaining ignorance to your pain, no problem
If I see you in despair, no problem.

Let the world see
Your adaption of new “civilization”
Has nothing but ‘bone and skin’
And it’s so weak
That your loud cry does not touch
Even a single human being.

So, I remain “unadapted”
And it’s my choice.